
H+1 Solutions offers a values-based approach to leadership that will not only transform how you lead your teams but also help create the culture you want in your company and develop your teams to where they need to be to thrive. We work with your leadership team and your team members in groups and individual settings to help unpack how you want to lead and what areas could be tweaked and why. We meet you where you are and build from there, leveraging almost 30 years of diverse leadership and facilitation experience and combining it with yours to make something enduring for your company. We have a range of products that can help you and your team grow, thrive, and succeed.

The Leader Character Workshop (LCW) takes your senior leadership team through a series of facilitated discussions that will identify and reinforce healthy leadership practices, coaching new skills that will improve the performance of your teams, with an introduction the role of character in leadership. The LCW includes:

  • Seven modules with practical, deployable techniques in each module

  • Modules cover values, concepts, team development, feedback, role of character, and leading through bad days

Character Symposium

The Character Symposium (CS) is based upon the work of Mary Crossan, Gerard Seijts, and others who have been focused on the power of character since 2008. The CS is based on empirically validated research into the positive impact of character and offers a clear path to identify, activate, and develop the character of your teams. The CS includes:

  • Three modules with an emphasis upon your character and that of your teams

  • Modules cover activation, development, and implementation

  • Sessions facilitated by a certified Leader Character Practitioner (Ian O. Ihanatowycz Institute for Leadership at the Ivey School of Business, Western University)

The Solution Game (SG) is based on practical, rigorous analytic techniques employed in a way that maximizes collaboration and encourages communication within your leadership team. The SG is built on proven techniques from policy analysis and military planning processes which have been combined into an efficient, informative, and innovative experience for your leadership team which includes:

  • Three rounds of simulation help you unlock your own unique strategy: one that accounts for the actions of competitors, the broader environment, as well as your company’s own strengths and weaknesses

While the organizational culture of your company is a leadership responsibility, ensuring you and your team create the culture that you want can be an overwhelming task. Wouldn’t it be great to have a solution, tailored to your company’s values, that can plug into your existing organization and help create the culture you want for your company?

The Leadership and Culture Advisory is a long-term relationship between H+1 Solutions and your company. Through an annual membership, you have access to exclusive leader development workshops each year along with regular, one-on-one leadership check-ins for your company leaders. In addition, H+1 Solutions will administer surveys and provides regular reports to your team and leadership to help you understand your company’s culture and how your team feels they are being led. This plan offers tools and insight to help you and your team be accountable for the culture you want. On an annual basis, the Leadership and Culture Advisory offers the following components through a remote and online platform:

  • Component 1: The 7-module leader character workshops for your team members

  • Component 2: The 3-module character symposium

  • Component 3: The administration and analysis of online surveys

  • Component 4: Leadership check-ins with each member of the team